Although every effort is made to keep this comprehensive database of contacts, campaigners and activists up to date, we definitely can't guarantee that the information will be accurate or up to date - campaign groups have a habit of springing up over night and then disappearing just as fast! Please notify us if any listings are out of date or innacurate.
A30 Action/ Quercus Tribe
01404 815729 PO Box 6, Ottery Street, St. Mary, Devon EX11
Activ 88 0207 833 1988/ Fax 0207 833 5895 Exmouth House, 3-11 Pine Street, London EC1R 0JH
Charter 88 Youth section
Active Distro BM Active, London WC1N 3XX Anarcho distribution
Activists Networking...Shane Collins 0208 671 5936/ Steve Peake 0208 341 3794
Advance Party Network...0208 450 6929 PO Box 3920, London NW2 3UJ
Anti-CJA and pro-Agenda 21, 'Enuff's Enuff' newsletter and 'Sound Advice' rights and info booklet (free + SAE)
Adbusters.........................+604 736 9401
West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 1B7, Canada. Challenge media manipulation and mindless consumption.
Advisory Service for Squatters
2 St. Paul's Road, London N1 2QN Tel. 0207 359 8814
AIM.......................................01438 367452
2 Cook Road, Stevenage, HERTS SG2 0ET. Campaigning against the A1(M) in Hertfordshire.
Aldermaston Peace Camp..0170 355 4434/ 0122 239 6563
Alarm UK........................0207 582 9279/ 0208 983 3572
13 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9AU
Alliance against road building - SAE for info
Alexander Institute 0207 408 2384/ 3572
16 Alderton Street, London W1Y 1TS
ALF Press Office, BM 4400, London WC1N 3XX
ALF Supporters Group
BCM 1160, London WC1N 3XX
Alliance for the Rights of Indigenous People
2 Romeo Close, Stockwell Road, London SW9
Alternatives To Violence Project
5 Southview, Ditchling, Hassocks Sussex BN6 8TQ
Amnesty International
Anarchist Black Cross - an umbrella of anarchist groups - see London ABC as main contact
Ancient Sites under Threat,
bringing together campaigns to save ancient sites up and down the country.
Animal Aid...........................01732 364546
Old Chapel Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1AN
Animal Defenders
261 Goldhawk Road, London W122 9PE
Animal Rights Coalition.....0161 955 4039
PO Box 45, Dudley DY3 3DG
Anti Asylum Bill...0207 375 1675
Anti-Fascist Action BM Box 1734 London WC1N 3XX Tel: 0161 232 0813
Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 2HG, email: [email protected]
Anti Nuclear Network
265 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DE
ARCnews Online monthly animal rights magazine, PO BOX 339 Wolverhampton WV10 7BZ
Tel 0845 458 0146 email
Arrow Active Resistance to the Roots Of War - c/o CND
Artisan Services..................01559 371424
Bach-Y-Gwyddil, Cwmpen Craig, Velindre, Llandyssul, Dyfed SA44 5HX. Creative & Environmental building and design
Arthurian Warband
Awen, Llwch, 27 Corncastle Road, Luton Beds LU1 5HB
ASEED............+312 0614 2510/ 312 0668 2236 Fax: +312 0665 0166
PO Box 92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands. Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Development
Assoc.n of Hedgewitches...01449 675438
Seaspirit, 19 Curzon road, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1FX Network for witches that work solo or in couples.
Atmosphere Alliance Canadian climate campaign. 2103 Harrison Ave NW, ~2615, Olympia, WA 98502
ph: 360352 1763, email [email protected]
Autonomous Centre, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 557 6242
Autonomous Astronauts Association Space travel for all!
Banner Theatre....0121 440 0460
The Friend's Institute, 220 Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham B12 0DG. Excellent show 'Criminal Justice', about the CJA. Currently researching new play about racism.
Bakuninist Firebombing League
Folder 19, Rising Sun Institute, 30 Silver Street, Reading RG1 2ST. Prisoner support, mischief and mayhem.
Bath Criminal Injustice Activists...01225 339629
PO Box 426, Bath, BA1 2ZD
Bicycle Recycle Workshop
107 Pancras Road, Kings Cross, London. Noon - 6pm, Mon - Fri, economic repairs and sales.
Bifrost Bisexual Resource Centre
58a Broughton St and workers co-op
Bindmans & Partners
Tel: 0207 833 4433 / Fax 0207 837 9792
275 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8QF
Good protest solicitors
Black Environmental Network
9 Llainwen Uchaf
LL55 4LL
Tel; 01286 870 715
Fax; 01286 870 715
Black Moon Sound Systems
Tel: 01298 27475
Bournemouth Against the CJA
Tel: 01202 291598
Braintree Freedom Network
Tel: 01376 322 7765
28 Rose Hill Braintree Essex CM7 6TJ
Brazil Network
PO Box 1325 London SW9 ORA
Brighton Autonomists
c/o UWC, 6 Tilbury Place, Brighton BN2 2GY
Bristol Housing Action Movement
Box 56, Green Leaf Cafe, 82 Colston St, Bristol
British Earth Sheltering Association
Tel: 01993 703619
20 The Old Coachyard, Witney Oxon OX8 6LT
British Healing Centre
140 Lyham Road, London SW2
16 Crane Grove, London
Burma Campaign UK
against the military dictatorship
Campaign Against Militarism
Tel: 01993 703619
BCM CAM, London WC1N 3XX
Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention
Campaigning against the
government's racist policies
on asylum. CARD,
c/o CUSU, 11-12
Trumpington Street, Cambridge,
Phone: (01223) 462187
Cambridge Coalition
Box C, 12 Mill Road Cambridge, CB1 2AD
Camcorder Action Network
Tel: 0973 298359/01865 203663
Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
BM BOX 8784,
London WC1N 3XX.
e-mail: [email protected]
Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Tel: 0207 253 2445
Fax: 0207 608 1279
11 Goodwin Street, London, N4 3HQ
Campaign Against the Asylum and Immigration Bill
c/o ACAPA, St. Hilda's East Community Centre, 18 Club Row, London
E2 7EY
Campaign Against the Child Support Agency
Tel:0207 624 3577
Looking for new premises after eviction.
Campaign for the Freedom of Information
Tel:0207 253 2445
88 Old Street, London
Campaign to End Domestic Violence
Tel: 0208 558 6324 / 0207 232 0348
Canadian Coalition Against The Death Penalty
Canary Islands Commune
Apartado de Carreos 98, 35660 Corallego, Fuertaventura, Canary
New Age Traveller Info and Community
Cannabis Hemp Information Club (CHIC)
Tel: 0208 575 6273
BM Box 6339, London WC1N 3XX
Membership £8/5 unwaged. Newsletter (8xA5) 30p
Cardiff Bay Barrage Protest
PO Box 7, Cardiff CF2 4XX
Cardiff Earth First!
Tel: 01222 488153/383363
Fax: 01222 640666
PO Box 7 Cardiff CF2 4XX
Catalyst Collective
PO Box 5, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 OYT.
Housing and Workers Co-op
Cestra Cantra Anarchists
Tim, c/o 294 Holloway Road, London N7. Campaign to end the broadcasting of thought in a democratic country. Manifesto - donation + SAE
CHARM (Cyclists Have a Right to Move) PO Box 3738, London E8 2BH.
Charter 88 01222 488153/383363 Fax: 01222 640666
Exmouth House, 3-11, Pine Street, London EC1R 0JH. Constitutional reform, publish
'Travellers & the CJA' £2.50; 'Mistaken Identity' (ID Cards) free + SAE.
Cheshire Freedom Network...01270 256535
31 Chambers St., Crewe, Cheshire
Chiba City Sound System...01203 228431
CHiCL (Communities and Homes in Central London)0207 430 1320
98 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X BAL
Federation of community groups.
PO Box TR66, Armely Leeds LS12 3XJ
Citizens Against the CJA
Buxton House, 6 Woodville Road, Cathays, Cardiff CF2 4EA. Info & Merchandise.
Class War 07931 301901
Po Box 467, London E8 3QX
Clean Air & Environmental Protection......01273 326313/ Fax: 01273 735802 136 North Street, Brighton BN1 1RG
CLEAR (Lead Free Air)
Milstone House, 39 Main Road, Long Bennington, Newark, Notts. NG23 5DJ
Climate Action Network.....0207 240 2291
21 Tower St, London WC2H 9NS
Climate Action NOW!
US direct action group. PO Box 2181,
Berkely, CA 94702-0182, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
CND Non-Violent Resistance Network...................................0207 607 2302
162 Holloway Road, London N7. Free membership, info, workshops.
Coalition Against BP in Columbia
Campaigning against human rights and workers rights abuses
by BP Columbia BCM 7750 London WC1N 3XX 0207 3570344
Coalition Against Runway 2
(CAR2) - campaign against Manchester Airport
2nd runway - concerned about aviation fuel and climate
6 Mount street Manchester M25NS 01618348221
[email protected]
Campaign against Shell in Nigeria
Box Z, 13 Biddulph St, Leicester, LE2 1BH,
UK. [email protected]
Cokespotlight, excellent site from Greenpeace and Adbusters...
Collective Action Notes
PO Box 22962, Balto., MD 21203, USA
Common Ground...0207 379 3109
44 Earlham Street, London WC1H 9LA. Encouraging community responsibilty for local areas.
45 Shelton Street, London
Communist Party of Britain.........0207 275 8162 /Fax: 0207 249 9188
3 Ardleigh Road, London N1 4HS
Conscious Cinema.01273 278018
Consuming The Planet,
The Eco-politics Of Veganism
PO Box 2679, Brighton, E Sussex BN2 1UJ. Regular excellent video footage of protests and actions. SAE for newsletter.
Contraflow 56a Info Shop, 56a Crampton St London SE17 Fax: 0207 326 0353
Conservation Foundation.....0207 823 8842/8791
1 Kensington Grove, London SW7 2AR
Corporate Watch
Research and Magazine looking into unethical corporate behaviour. Also interactive map
of the UK which shows all
of the key sites of companies and other organisations involved in GM crops
in the country.
Contact: Corporate Watch, Box E, 111 Magdalen rd, Oxford,
OX4 1RQ 0186791391
e-mail:[email protected]
Council for the Protection of Rural England0207 976 6433
Warwick House, Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0PP
Counter Information
c/o Transmission, 28 King Street, Glasgow G15QP Scotland. Bi-monthly free sheet of vital info. Send SAE.
Coventry Earth Spirit01203 714974
85 Earlsdon Road, Coventry Conservation activities and info.
Cumbrians Opposed to Radioactive Environment (CORE)01229 833851
98 Church Street, Barrow In Furness, Cumbria
Cyber Picket Line
Cymru Goch (Welsh Socialists)
PO Box 661 Wrecsam, Cymru LL11 1QU. Produce monthly magazine.
Dance Information Network0207 729 5252 (Gary Woolvett)
Health & safety promotion for clubs & raves.
Dave Callendar Justice Campaign
PO Box 38, Manchester M60 1NX. 10 year sentence for conspiracy to cause arson.
Defend Council Housing, stopping councils flogging off all their council housing
Defiance Alliance
21-23 Albion Street, Bradford BD1 2LY. CJA info & protest.
Campaign against Shell in Nigeria. Box Z, 13 Biddulph St, Leicester, LE2 1BH,
[email protected]
Democratic Left..............0207 278 4443 Fax: 0207 278 4425
6 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF. Non-party political organisation promoting sustainable & oppression-free society.
DIG IT UP! Anti-GM campaign -
A call to remove GM oilseed rape from Britain's countryside.
Disabled Action Network0208 889 1361
Dolphin Watch
North Ferriby, Yorkshire HV14 3ET
Dongas Tribe.......................01935 862249
c/o Chris, 6 East Street, West Coker, Yeovil, Somerset. Peaceful anti-roadsters.
Dorset Against the CJA
PO Box 1097, Bournemouth, Dorset BH12 2YJ
Dragon Environmental Group...........0208 691 7685
39, Amersham Road, New Cross,
London SE16 6QQ Dundee Anarchists. Tel 01382 814922
Dumb Laws
a huge collection of the most senseless laws
in the entire United States
31 Chambers Street, Crewe CW2 6HJ
Earth Action...01734 860222 ext.221
Reading University S.U., PO Box 230, Whiteknuights, Reading RG6 2AZ
Earth First - contacts homepage
Earth First! Network - umbrella of autonomous green activist groups
and regular information updates.
Box 29, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester,
M4 7H 0161 226 6814
[email protected]
Earth Village Network
Postbus 1179, 1000 BD Amsterdam, Netherlands. Help form sustainable permaculture communities.
Earth Village Network
6 Edinburgh Crescent, Leamington Spa CV31 3LL. Plan to reclaim derelict land.
BP 631, 53006, LAVAL Cedec, France. Produces 'Bulletin de Resistance Verte' - Earth First France. (6xA4) 50 FF for 6 issues.
Ecotrip DIY Culture collective associated with the UK Green Parties.
The Jan rebane Centre, 12-16 thornton street, Brixton, London SW9 0BL 0207 7370100
[email protected]
Edinburgh Claimants.........0131 332 7547
Autonomous Centre, c/o Peace and Justice Centre, St. John's, Prince's Street, Edinburgh. Anti-JSA
Education Otherwise
PO Box 7420, London N9 9SG
emc23 Irish info/campaigns
including Glen of the Downs Road Protest/Cork Anti Pylon Campaign
Empty Homes Agency...0207 828 6288
Education Worker Network
c/o PO Box 1681, London N8 7LE. Produces publication.
Ekonism Revealed
PO Box 771, 3500 AT Utrecht, The Netherlands
Endangered Species
14 Great Oak Street, Llanidloes, Powys, Cymru. Socially & environmentally active group in Mid Wales.
English Collective of Prostitutes
PO Box 287, NW6 5QU. Campiagn for rights of sex workers. Info - SAE.
Environmental Investigation Agency
2 Pear Tree Court, London EC1R 0DS. Expose environmental abuse and wildlife exploitation.
Environmental Law Foundation...0207 404 1030/1032
Lincoln's Inn House, 42 Kingsway, London WC2B 6EX.
Environmental Transport Association........01932 828882/ Fax: 01932 829015
Old Post House, Heath Road, Weybridge,
Surrey KT13 8RS
PO Box ES23, c/o 180 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3HW. Info about environmental sustainabilty and DiY living.
Ethical Consumer Magazine, Unit 21, 41 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF Tel 0161 2262929 E-mail [email protected]
Exeter Coalition Against the CJA
c/o The Flying Post, PO Box 185, Exeter EX4 4EW
Exodus.................................01582 508936
Long Meadow Community Farm, Sundon Road, Chalton Beds LU4 9TU
Exploding Cinema no budget media collective
11 Wroxton Road
SE15 2BN
0207 732 8058
Fairs and Festivals Feder.n...01594 810520
27 Kells Neend, Berryhill, Coleford, Glos. GL16 7AD. SAE - info.
Fairmile - see A30 Action/ Quercus Tribe
Faslane Peace Camp email: [email protected]01436 820 901
Shandon, Helensborough, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. NVDA against Trident, produces 'Faslane Fokus' - free/donation + SAE.
Federation Anarchiste
145, Rue Amelot 75011, Paris, France. French anarchos
Fellowship of Isis
Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire. Goddess based foundation with correspondence course and publications.
Festival Welfare Services...0207 700 5754
61b Hornsey Road, London N7
Flat Oak Society.................01227 463 368
c/o 3 St. Alphege Lane, Canterbury, Kent CB1 2EB. Lyminge forest action
Football Supporters Assocn.....0151 737 2385
PO Box 11, Liverpool L26 1XP. Anti-CJA
Forest Action
Network (UK) c/o Alternatives, P.O. Box 7, Llangefni, Ynys Mon,
LL77 7ZJ. Telephone and fax: 01248 713 604. E-mail:
[email protected]
Forgive Us Our Trespasses
16 Sholebrook Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds LS7 3HB. Anti-CJA.
Freedom Network.0207 978 8214/ Action line: 0207 793 7343
PO Box 9384, London, SW9 7ZB.
e-mail:[email protected]
FREEDOM PRESS Founded in 1886 this is the oldest radical (paper)
publisher in the English speaking world with a growing digital archive from 1995. 84b, Whitechapel High St.,
London E1 Tel: 0171 2479249 e mail [email protected]
Freedom Trail.. 01935 863349 Dongas tribe caravan, moving around country, raising CJA awareness & right to a nomadic lifestyle.
Click here for full listing
Freewheelers .0191 222 0090/0094 Fax: 0191 221 0066
25 Low Friar Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 5UE. Car share scheme, cheap lifts.
Free Party Network 0208 959 7525/0208 889 5214/ 0207 652 4602
Free Land Fund
c/o 9 Plasbach, Plasmawr Road, Fairwater, Cardiff. Collect money to buy land for use by travellers, newsletter - SAE.
Free Tibet Campaign.........0207 359 7573
9 Islington Green, London N1 2XH
Friends, Families and Travellers Support Group01458 832371
7 Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9NE
Friends of Cardigan Bay
Campaigning against oil exploration off the coast of Wales. Temperance House, Taliesin, Powys, Mid wales
[email protected]
Friends of Lawton Woods
9 Congelton Road South, Church Lawton, Stoke on Trent ST7 3AJ. Opposing development in South Cheshire woodlands
Friends of The Earth England
National environmental campaigning organisation concerned about oil effects and climate change.
26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ, UK. 0207 5561693
e-mail: [email protected]
Frontline Collective
PO Box 505, Belfast BT11 9EE, Ireland.
Full On Films...01273 683407
Flat 3, 12 St. George's Terrace, Brighton.
Get Ethical
On-line shopping and consumer information site for the Big Issue and Red Pepper magazines
Glasgow For People......0141 552 8776/ 0141 423 0278. Opposing the building of M74
Green Academics Network...0186 520 4244
120a Marlborough Road, Oxford OX1 4LS.
Indespensible UK magazine of green news and views. PO Box 5, Lostwithiel, Cornwall/Kernow, PL22 0YT, UK
Green Party................0207 272 4474/6653
1a Waterloo Road, London N19 5NJ e-mail:
[email protected]
Green Party Anti-Fascist and Racist Alliance
c/o 10 Station Parade, Balham High Street, London SW12 9AZ
Green Party Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Group
c/o 11 Kensington Park Road, London W11 3BY
Green Network.........0120 646902/ 766005
9 Clairmont Road, Colchester Essex
Green Student Network
Paul Kingsnorth, St. Ann's College, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HS.
Greenham Women's Peace Camp
Frida Land, Box A, Arjuna, 12 Mill Road, Cambridge
GreenPeace UK
International environmental organisation
concerned with new oil exploration frontiers (Arctic, Atlantic)
Canonbury Villas, Islington, London, N1 2PN UK. 0207 865 8100
e-mail: [email protected]
c/o A. Sandiford, 65 Newmarket Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 2DP. Mobile, self-contained eco-friendly radio station.
Groundswell 01865 723750
Claimants Action Group, c/o OUWCU, East Oxford Community Centre,
Prince's Street, Oxford OX4 1HU.
Claimants Action Group, c/o OUWCU, East Oxford Community Centre, Prince's Street, Oxford OX4 1HU. Anti-CJA
Gypsy Council for Education...01708 868986
Welfare and Civil Rights, 8 Hall Road, Averley Essex.
Haringey Community Action
0208 802 9804
PO Box 2474, London N8 0HW. Newsletter (6xA4) free.
Haven Distribution
BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX. Free books to prisoners distro, publications wanted.
Hawkfrendz/ Zephyr Publications
PO Box 6, Liscard, Wallassey, Merseyside, L45 4SJ. Henge, Hawkwind, cannabis, 'Reefer Madness' £1 +SAE.
Hebden Bridge Collective...01204 401236
1 Maple Road, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 0AX. Alternative lifestyles, collective growing.
Hemp UK..............................01865 311151
Middle Way Workshops, Summertown, Oxford OX2 7LG. Promoting research into cannabis hemp.
Henry Doubleday Research Association...01203 303517/ 308209
Ryton Organic Gardens, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3LG. Research, info, courses, has Heritage Seed Library, mail order seeds.
Hillingdon Hospital Workers....0208 852 2842 56 Asian women sacked for refusing wage decrease
HHH Video Mag
PO Box 888, 10 Martello Street, London E8 3PE. Anarcho video collective.
Homeless Information Project...0207 277 7639/ Fax: 0207 732 7644
612 Old Kent Road, London SE15 1JB.
Home Office switchboard 0207 273 3000
Drugs Branch 0207 273 4640 (x3302)
House of Lords Clerks Office (Bills) 0207 219 3153
House of Commons Clerks Office (Bills) 0207 219 3256
Huddersfield Reaction Against the CJA.......................................01484 451775
c/o The Green Party, 16b Byram Buildings, Station Street, Huddersfield HD1 1ND.
Humane Slaughter Association
34 Blanche Lane, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3PA
Hunt Saboteurs Association
PO Box 2786, Brighton, E. Sussex BN2 2AX email: [email protected]
Independent Media Center
Coalition of many independent media
organizations and producers, offering live coverage of the
WTO protests ignored by the corporate media
Industrial Workers of the World
75 Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 1WB.
Institute of Race Relations.....0207 837 0041
2-6 Leeke Street, Kings Cross Road, London WC1 9HS. Educational charity.
International Federation of Organic
Agriculture Movements...+49 6853 5190/+49 6853 30110
General Secretariat, c/o Okozentrum Imsbach, D66636, Tholey-Theley, Germany
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
Warren Court, Park Road, Crowborough, E. Sussex TN6 2GA
International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
Isle of Wight Against The CJA...01983 565280
c/o 10 Tennyson Close, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3QB
The Ben James Campaign Website
Help Ben in his fight against deportation from the UK.
Jigsaw Non Violence Project
Box X, 111 Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 1RQ. Provides non-violence training for groups engaged in social change.
Jubilee 2000
Campaigning for the cancellation of debt in the world's poorest countries
Justice?...............................01273 685913
c/o on-the-fiddle, PO Box 2600, Brighton, E. Sussex BN2 2DX.
Brighton's campaign in defiance of the CJA.
Produces the excellent SchNEWS weekly newsletter, free, send 1st class stamp.
Justice Campaign.........0207 722 5214/ 0207 813 2046
8 Christie Court, 3 Aspern Grove, Haverstock Hill, London NW3. Campaign against the CJA.
Solidarity Centre, 3 Royal Exchange Court, Glasgow G1 3PA. Regular newssheet, sae.
Justice for Keith Mann Campaign
c/o ICA, PO Box 1135, Hassocks, W. Sussex BN6 8AA
Justice for Women............0208 340 3699
Kirkstall Valley Campaign
27 Burtlwey Woods Mount, Leeds LS4 2QG. Opposing supermarket planned for playing fields.
LAMB (Lloyds and Midland Boycott Campaign).................................0161 274 4665
Land and Liberty
35 Rayleigh Avenue, Westcliff on Sea, Essex SS0 7DS. Produce excellent booklets.
The Land Is Ours, Box E, 111
Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RQ. 01865 722016
or 0402 176410 e-mail [email protected]
Land Stewardship Trust
c/o Catalyst Collective, PO Box 5, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 0YT. Newsletter + sae.
LEAF...0116 2109652
Box Z, 13 Biddulph St, Leicester LE2 1BH Leicester environmental action
League Against Cruel Sports...0207 407 0979/ Fax: 0207 403 4532
83-87 Union Street, London SE11 SG
Leeds Earth First!..............0113 262 9365
16 Sholebrock Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds LS7 3HB. Campaign against the Garforth Mine.
Legal Defence and Monitoring Group..................................0208 802 9804
BM Box Haven, London WC1N 3XX
Legal Research and Campaign Services
PO Box 2764, London E9 7EJ. 'Defending Your Freedom' guide to CJA, £3.95
Legalise Cannabis Campaign...0207 585 1031
BM Box 2455, London WC1N 3XX. 'The Cannabist' newsletter, (4xA4), 20p + sae.
Legalise Stonehenge Campaign
c/o Monolith Publications, PO Box 4, Syston Leics LE7 4RD
Lesbian Avengers..............0208 852 3956
PO Box 501 London, SE21 7DS. NVDA group committed to raising lesbian visibility and rights.
Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, emergency line............................0207 837 7324
LETSlink UK..........................01985 217871
61 Woodstock Road, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 9DH. Network of LETS groups - bartering for change.
LETSlink Scotland
17-19 Irvine Place
FK8 1BZ 01786464988
[email protected]
training/information for
people in Scotland
setting up their own local
trading systems
Liberty................................0207 403 3888
21 Tabard Street, London SE1 4LA. Lobbying for civil liberties.
Liverpool Dockers..................0151 207 3388
c/o TGWU, 37 Islington, Liverpool, L38
London Anarchist Black Cross
c/o 121 Railton Road, London SE24. Prisoner solidarity. 'Taking liberties' newsletter, issue 18 (12xA3) 60p+ SAE/ free to prisoners; death on remand, resisting fit-ups, etc. Also 'No Comment' booklet (16xA6), free + SAE; defendants guide to arrest, inc. CJA.
London Animal Action....0207 837 7557 Campaigning for local animal rights.
London Anti-Fur Campaign
PO Box 216, London E7 9RB
London Class War
PO Box 467, London E8 3QX.
London Ecology Centre.....0207 379 4324
45 Shelton Street, London WC2 9HJ. Info. & booklist on sustainability and Agenda 21
London GreenPeace/ McLibel Support.....................................0207 713 1269
5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX
London Psychogeographical Association
Box 15, 138 Kingsland High Street, London E8 2NS. Newsletter, 6x2nd class stamps/4 issues.
London Vegans
7 Deansbrook Road, Edgware, Middx, HA8 9BE. Info, meetings.
Lothian Anti Water Privatisation
Protest.................................0131 229 5912
Manchester Earth First...0161 232 1598
Manchester Earth First! Box 29, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester,
M4 7H
Manchester Coalition against Runway 2
Opposed to airport expansion 0161 834 8221.
Manifesto for Sustainable London...0207 722 3710/ Fax: 0207 722 3959
7 Chamberlain Street, London NW1 8XB
Marine Connection
PO Box 2404, London W2 3WG. Protection of whales and dolphins
Mexican Human Rights Network...0207 923 3229
67 Stoke Newington Church St, London N16 0AR
Minority Rights Group...0207 978 9498/ Fax: 0207 738 6265
379 Brixton Road, London SW9 7DE
McLibel Support Campaign...0207 713 1269
5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX
Miscarriages of Justice UK
Monastery Campaign........0161 907 3121
Cae Gest, The Monastery, Gorton lane, Manchester M12. Squatting a monastery facing destruction
MOVE...................................0208 519 9228
PO Box 3069, London SW98LU. Campaigning against death sentence of Mumia Abu Jamal & persecution of radical green group.
Movement for Compassionate Living (The Vegan Way)
47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8NQ. Promoting non-violent lifestyle.
Movement for Justice 07957 696 636
PO Box 16581, London SW2 2ZW South London based anti-racist group fighting police brutality by any means necessary
Musicians Network/ Festival Music
Co-op.........0207 209 2424/ 017 1701 3587 (ans.)
181a Brecknock Road, Tufnell Park, London N19 5AB
Naburn Woods Campaign...01904 647 235/ 0831 586938.
c/o York LEAF, Peace Centre, 15a Clifford Street, York. Direct action against another out of town shopping complex.
National Anti-Vivisection Society...0208 846 9777
261 Goldhawk Road, London W12 9PE
National Black Caucus.......0207 717 1585
c/o 1990 Trust, South Bank Techno Park, 90 London Road, London SE1 6LN. Campaign for Black Rights in Britain.
National Council for One Parent Families
25 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2LX
National Gypsy Council
Greengate Street, Oldham, Manchester.
National Institute of Medical Herbalists.......................................01392 426022
56 Longbrook Street, Exeter, Devon EX4
National Network Against Detention and Deportation................0207 837 1450
National Peace Council......0208 360 7710
88 Islington High Street, London
National Union of Mineworkers...01302 841365
16 Abbeyfield Road, Dunscroft, Doncaster. Class struggle, justice for workers.
National Women's Network...0207 263 7553 Feminist exchange service, NVDA newsletter.
Network for Underground DJs
c/o 28 Smith's Lane, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 8LS. Newsletter
Network News
PO Box 2, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 0YY. Magic mag, £1.50 inc p&p
Networking Newsletter Project
UK North West activists' guide
email: [email protected]
New Luddites
c/o Green/YorkLEAF, Students Union, Goodricke College, University of York, York YO1 5DD. Challenge legitimacy of science and technology
New Futures Association New Traveller support group,newsletters, stalls, info,also branching in to co-operative housing and actively living at a rural co-op.
TEL: 01239 810548 / 07880 758 713
[email protected]
Newbury - see Third Battle of Newbury
Newcastle ABC....................0191 273 2394
PO Box ITA, Newcastle NE99 1TA. Prisoner support.
Newham Monitoring Project...0208 552 6284
382 Katherine Road, London E7 8NW. Community based anti-racism group.
No M65 Campaign...0161 861 7895/ 01589 985996
PO Box 237, Preston PR1 3TG.
No M74................0141 424 1797/ 423 0278
c/o The Larkfield Centre, 39 Inglefield Street, Govanhill, No Glasgow G42
No Business on the Moor.....Mike Heckels 0191 232 1883/ Elizabeth Bowcott 0191 261 9012. Opposing leisure complex planned for the city's green spaces.
No Opencast Campaign against open cast mining in the UK call: 0207 603 1831 or 0208 672 9698.
No Platform - Anti-Fascist
Network [email protected] PO Box 5877, London, WC1M 3XX
North Devon Against the CJA
c/o The Wild Pear Centre, Combe Martin, N. Devon.
NO SWEAT UK UK campaign against sweatshops, [email protected]
PO Box 36707 London SW9 8YA 07904 431 959
Nottingham Against the JSAe JSA
c/o PO Box 192 Nottingham NG1 1FJ.
Nukewatch UK.....................01703 221116
54, Northlands Road, Southampton
NUS Peace and Disarmament Campaign...........0207 272 8900/ 0207 263 5713
461 Holloway Road, London
Ogoni Community Association.....0208 563 8614/ Fax: 0208 563 8615
Suite 5, 3/4 Albion Place, Galena Road, London W6 0LT
Older Feminists Network
54 Gordan Road, London N3 1EP
OneWorld UK
Refugee and human rights issues
Outrage...0207 439 2381/ Fax: 0207 439 3291
5 Peter Street, London W1V 3RR. NVDA for sexual freedom and rights.
Oxford Claimants Union.....01865 723750
East Oxford Community Centre, Prince Street, Oxford OX4 1HU. Help and advice on claimants rights, anti-JSA.
Pagan Anti-Defamation Network...01704 573283
286 Guildford Road, Southport, Merseyside PR8 3EB. Defence of pagan religion, 2x1st class stamps for membership.
Paganlink Network
Peace Pledge Union..........0207 387 5501/
0207 383 7342
Dick Shepherd House, 6 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DX
Peace Tax Campaign...0207 561 1061
601 Holloway Road, London N19 4DJ
Pedestrian Association.....0207 490 0750
126, Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4JQ Campaigning for walkers rights since 1929
Permaculture Association...01654 712188
PO Box 1 Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0LH Educational charity
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
PO Box 3169, London NW1 2JF
People Against Chimpanzee Experiments (PACE).............01273 772542
59a Tisbury Road, Hove, E. Sussex BN3 3BL Opposing chimp experiments, £5 unwaged/£10 waged, newsletter.
People's Embargo for Democracy in Nigeria..........................0208 202 6292
PO Box 256, London SE11 5TH
People's Trust for Endangered Species................................0207 498 4533
If your deviant and alternative web pages need
a home, they can probably cuddle up in good company around here.
Pisces Anti-Angling Campaign
Campaign for the Abolition of Angling
BM Fish, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel[UK]: 01792 464 176;
pager[UK]: 04325 607 389
Pressmennan Forest Campaign...0131 228 2193
Planning Aid for London Calvert House, 5 Calvert Avenue, London E2 7JP..........0207 613 4435
Free advice to individuals, community, and resident groups for town planning advice.
Plants for a Future
The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall PL22 0NG. Co-op practising/ researching vegan/organic permaculture + educational work. Looking into setting up an eco-village somewhere in teh South West. Info - sae
Ploughshares Support Network ................01865 714036/ Fax: 01865 716498
Box X, 111 Pressmennan Road, Oxford OX4 1RQ. Support for Ploughshares actions, 'Daily Hammer' quarterly newssheet
Plymouth Anti-CJA Group
84 Fairview Road, Laira, Plymouth PL3 6DR
Pollok Free State................0141 946 2700
PO Box 180, Glasgow G4 9AB. Opposition destruction by M77
Portsmouth Against The CJA...01705 293673
Box D, 73 Fawcett Road, Southsea Hampshire PO4 0BD. Network point for likeminded individuals and groups.
Pride Trust.........................0207 738 7644
49 Effra Road, London SW2 1BZ0. Campaigns for gay rights.
Primal Seeds
Guerrilla Gardening - info and ideas so we can 'untangle ourselves from the monocult'
and quietly undermine corporate power
Public Law Project........0207 738 7644/ 0207 467 9800
17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR. National charity to improve access to the legal system. Produce cool mag
Radical Routes...................0113 262 9365
16 Sholebrook Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds, W. Yorkshire. Co-op networking and ethical investment.
Radio Zonesis
CP 141 CH 1211 Geneva 8 Switzerland. Non-profit, censorship-free radio
Rainbow 2000.....................01568 613918
The Colliers, 45a Etnam Street, Leaminster, Herefordshire HR6 8AE. Camps, healing & dance.
Rainbow Circle Camps........01452 813505
Samson's Cottage, Seven Leaze Lane, Edge, Stroud Glos. GL6 6NL. Holistic healing camps and yoghurt weaving.
Rainbow Dragon.............0860 679393 Alternative energy.
Rainbow Information Co-ordination
Postfach 4016, CH-8022, Zurich, Switzerland. Rainbow gatherings & contacts.
Ramblers Association
1-5 Wandsworth Rd
0207 3398566 [email protected]
Rape Crisis Emergency line.......0207 837 1600
Reclaim the Streets, London
PO BOX 9656, London N4 4JY. 0207 281 4621 [email protected]
Reclaim The Valleys......01385 711364/ 01404 815729
Selar Farm Nature Reserve, Parish Road, Blaengwrach, Glynneath, Neath. Campaign against open cast mining in Wales.
charity relieving poverty by taking second hand bicycles overseas email
Reflective Theatre.............0208 459 2486
1st Floor Flat, 34a St. Paul's Avenue, London NW2 5TE. Alt theatre, workshops, mailing list.
Release......0207 603 8654/ 0207 729 9904 Advice & helpline on drugs and legal matters.
Respect For Animals
PO Box 500, Notts NG1 3AS
Revolutionary Communist Group...0207 251 3443
BCM Box 5909, London WC1N 3XX. Fight inequality, bigotry and prejudice. Produce monthly newssheet 'Fight Racism!'Fight Imperialism!
Rhythms of Resistance
Samba protest band who've played at Prague, Hague, Davos, Barcelona and London! [email protected]
RMT (Tube Workers' Union)...0207 387 4771
Road Peace................0208 964 1021 Highlight road deaths.
Rugby Civil Rights Defence Network
c/o 45 Hudson Road, Rugby, Warks. CV22 6DE. Anti-CJA action & networking
Sanction Busters!
Brighton Against the JSA. Tel: 01273 671213. Anti-JSA, local group holding demos every time sanctions are enforced.
Satpal Ram Support Group...0121 507 1618
c/o 101 Villa Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B19 INH
Save A Tree.........................01386 442581
11 Queen's Road, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 4JN. Road protest, anti-CJA, pro-trees, 'Yellow Jackets' newsletter.
Save Lyminge Forest Action Group...................................01227 463368
Flat Oak Society, c/o 3 Alphege Court, Canterbury, Kent CP1 2EB. Opposing 'Centre Parcs' style development in 400 acre woodland.
Save The Children
Traveller Information Office, Mary Datchelor House, 17 Grove Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 8RD
SCAR (South Coast Against Roads)...01273 324455
38 Queen's Road, Brighton BN1 3XBS
Scottish Defiance Alliance...0141 636 5140/ 0141 226 5066
71 London Road, Glasgow G1. Anti CJA
Scottish Environmental Action...0141 226 5066
c/o Solidarity Centre, 3 Royal Exchange Court, 85-87 Queen's Street, Glasgow G1 3PA
Scottish Socialist Alliance
PO Box 980, Glasgow G14 9QQ
Scottish Prisoners Support Group
PO Box 1008, Glasgow G42 8AA
Section 47 Sound System...01223 211346
Selar Farm Anti-Open Cast Mining Campaign...01639 720884/ 01639 830553
Sellafield Women's Peace Camp......0141 226 5066
Peace House, 5 New Road, Littleborough, Lancs. OL15 8PJ1706 371387
Sexual Freedom Coalition
PO Box 4ZB, London, W1A 4ZB. Promoting reform of Britain's silly old sex laws. Promoting
pansexual freedom, mutual tolerance and safer sex.
Email: [email protected]
Shark Protection League...01589 173033
BM LAPL, London WC1N 3XX
Sheffield Anarchist Group
PO Box 446, Sheffield S1 1NY
Shellfish Network
54 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH
Shelter..............................0207 253 0202/ 0207 608 3325
88 Old Street, London EC1
Shelter Nightline...........0808 800 440 Emergency housing help and advice.
Small World Productions 0207 272 1394
1A Waterlow Road, London, N19 5NJ. Media and camcorder training videos for NGOs and activists.
e-mail:[email protected]
Social Ecology Network
c/o Crouch Hill Recreation Centre, Hillrise Road, London N19 3PT
Socialist Environment and Resources Association.........................0207 263 7389
11 Goodwin Street, London N4 3HQ
Soil Association...01272 290661
86 Colston Street, Bristol BS1 5BB
Solidarity Federation
IWA PO Box 493, St. Albans AL1 5TW
Solsbury Hill Action Group...01225 448 556
c/o 103 Ringswell Gardens, Bath BA1 6BW (Avon Gorge EF!) Info/ events concerning Solsbury Hill + other local road schemes, regular meetings.
South Bristol Anarchists
PO Box 1076, Bristol BS99 1WF
South Downs EF!
c/o UWC, Prior House, Tilbury Place BN2 2GY
South Shields Freedom Network...0191 519 2257
c/o 81 Front Street, East Bolden, Tyne and Wear NE36 0SA
Southwark Homeless Information Project...0207 277 7639/ Fax: 0207 732 7644
612 Old Kent Road, London SE15 1JB. Homeless advice, Mon - Fri, 4 - 7pm.
Space Goats
c/o Mandala, PO Box 344, London SE19 1EQ '13 Moons in Motion' album/ cassette.
SQUALL Magazine Online and
SQUALL Download, a regular A5 hardcopy magazine with the best of the month's web material
plus exclusive pieces.
SQUALL is a vibrant forum for radical quality journalism, photography and culture. The issues behind the action.
Sub is £12 for 12 issues (includes P&P). Cheques
payable to SQUALL sent to SQUALL Subs, PO Box 8959, London N19 5HW.
Squall PO Box 8959 London N12 5HW tel: 0207 561 1204 fax: 0207 272 9243
Squatters Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH)..............................0207 226 8938
2 St Pauls Road, London M1 2QN. Opposition to squatting aspects of the CJA.
Squatters: Notes For New Squatters
Concrete info on squatting issues Steven Lawrence Campaign...0208 317 0960
PO Box 3433, London SE18 3SS
Stone 2
45 West wood Hill, London Se26 6NS. Festie lists, Free/Folk/Fairs/Camps Free + sae.
Stonehenge Awarua
The Stonehenge Society of New Zealand, PO Box 3, Manapouri, NZ. Campaigning to build a 'Southenge', near the opposite point on the planet.
Stonehenge Campaign
c/o 99 Torriano Avenue, London NW5 2RX
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, beagle campaign, making news as it hits the vivisectors where it hurts the most - in the pocket.
Stop Sizewell Campaign
Tudor House, St. James' Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham Suffolk IP17 3DU
Stop The Hawk Deal..0161 834 0295
One World Centre, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS
Subculture Alternatives Freedom Foundation (SAFF)
6/8 Burley Lodge Road, Leeds, West Yorks. LS6 1QP. Safeguarding the right to freedom of belief for religious and philosophical minorities.
Subvert..........................01270 562781
5 Greenhead Terrace, Chopwell, NE17 7SH
Sunseed Desert Technology
ADPO 9 04270 Sorbas, Almeira, Spain. Sustainable living project, visitors welcome, info pack from: Sunseed, PO Box 200 Cambridge CB3 0JF
Sunnyside......................0207 267 9906
Box 3, Greenleaf Bookshop, 82 Colston Street, Bristol
Sustainable Transport
35 King Street, Bristol BS1 4DZ
Surfers Against Sewage.....01872 553001
The Old Counthouse Warehouse, Wheal Kitty, St. Agnes Cornwall TR5 0RE
Sustainable Land Trust......0207 722 3710
7 Chamberlain Street, London NW1 8XB
Sustainable Wales/ Cymru Gynhaliol.............................01656 783405
11 Park Avenue, Porthcawl, Mid Glamorgan CF36 3EP
Building the first 2,500 miles of the national cycle network
Survival International........0207 242 1441
11/15 Emerald Street, London, WC1N 3QL. Campaigning for native people's rights.
Talamh Housing Co-op
Burkhill House, Coalburn, Lanarkshire Scotland ML11 0NJ. Sustainabilty, bananas and 'the holy essence of goat'!
Teddy Bear Wood Road Protest Camp......................................0468 221454
Littlemoor, Weymouth, Dorset. A354 Weymouth Relief Road cuts through old stone circle site, AONB, edge of 2 SSSI's.
Teknivals.....0208 203 5481/0208 908 1457 Free techno festivals in Britain and Europe.
Terry O'Halloran Memorial Fund
BCM Box 5960, London WC1N 3XX. Free books to prisoners, donations needed.
Thanet Way Action Tribe
62 Canterbury Road, Whitstable, Kent
The Land Is Ours 01865 722016/ Fax: 01865 724360
Box E, 111 Magdalene Road, Oxford OX4 1RQ. [email protected]
Regular newsletter, land reclamation.
Third Battle of Newbury...01635 45544/45545
PO Box 5520, Newbury, Berks. RG14 5FB. Co-ordinating action and information at Newbury, produced 'Hearts and Minds' video to help raise funds.
Third World Debt................01865 245678
Third World First Network, 217 Crowley Road, Oxford OX4 XXG. Lloyds and Midlands Banks Boycott campaign.
Tibet Support Group UK.....0207 359 7573
9 Islington Green, London M1 2XH. Publish TIBET news mag (16 A4) £1, Free Tibet from Chinese occupation info + sae
Tinker's Bubble...................01935 881975
Little Norton, Stoke sub Handon, Somerset TA14. Organic sustainable living site.
Tir Gaia Solar Village...01597 810929
Llwyn Lane, Rhayader, Powys LD6 5DY. Eco-housing, self build, courses.
Milan Djuric, M Velikog 12/10 11300 Smederevo, Serbia, Yugoslavia. Anarchist group.
Tourism Concern
information about exploitation in tourism, especially Burma
Toxic Alert!
c/o Box 2600, Brighton BN2 2DG. Genetics, Toxics, Dioxins.
Box 59, 82 Colston Street, Bristol BS1. Legalisation of all drugs.
Transport 2000..............0207 388 8386/ Fax: 0207 388 2481
10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Travellers School Charity/ Skool Bus........................Pager no. 01426 218424
PO Box 36, Grantham, Lincs. NG31 6EW. £5 Year sub. (Free newsletters) Summer Solstice news (16xA5) Road show report, pre-school voucher scheme, site reports and reviews. Activity packs for home educated traveller's children .
Travellers' Telephone Legal Advice Service..................................01222 874 580
PO Box 427, Museum Ave. Cardiff, CF1 1XD. 9am/1pm weekdays.
Travelling Itinerants Trust
Westdown, c/o Chilbolton PO , Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants. Travellers seeking contact with others to act against the repeal of the 1968 Caravans Act.
Tree Council......................0207 828 9928/ Fax: 0207 828 9060
51 Catherine Place, London SW1E 6DY. Promote tree planting, info.
Tuar Ceatha...........................0191 565589
One World Centre, 2 Churchyard Street, Gorway, Ayre. Rainbow Mag issue 8(32 A5) 50p + Postage. Gender, renewable energy, healing, Geodesic dome plan.
Tyneside Anarchist Group
PO Box Fenham NUT, Tyneside NE99 1TA.
Tyneside Action for People and Planet
Direct action group on Tyneside, Genetix, Animal Rights and other stuff
Tyneside Libertarian Learning Co-op
PO Box 53, Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, NE26 1YY. Newsletter and benefits CD, 'Off The Map' (profits to anti CJA campaign) more info- sae
UK Forest Stewardship Council...01686 412176/ 413916
Unit D, Old Station Building. Llanidloes, Powys, Cymru. Standards for sustainable forestry. 01865 203661/ distrib.n 01865 203662
16b, Cherwell Street, Oxford OX4 1BG. News video mag, Numer 5, 75 min, £10.50 inc. p&p.
Unemployed Unit..............0207 833 1111
322 St. John Street, London EC1V 4NT. Anti-JSA.
Unemployed Workers
1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion Street, Bradford W. Yorks. BD4 2LY. Anti-JSA
14 Ridgeway Road, Sheffield SI2 2SS. Animal Rights
Unicorn Camps...................01256 893369
33 Evingar Road, Whitchurch, Hants. RG28 7EY. New age camps.
Union Hemp
14 South Gallery, Exchange Street, Sheffield S2 5TR. 100% hemp clothing, sae for catalogue.
United Families & Friends Campaign,
demanding independent public enquiry for those who have
died in police
custody, in prison and in
psychiatric hospitals email
United Systems.......0208 959 7525 International free party network, 'Free Party' newsletter (8xA5), free.
Unity Group
Box 124, Kingsland High Street, London E8. Promoting unity between anti-fascist groups.
URGENT links together community campaign groups
working towards a genuinely sustainable housing policy.
contacted 01865 794800
Vegan Bikers Association
48 Hakins Hall Lane, Datchworth, Knebworth, Herts. SG3 6TE
Vegan Prisoners Support Group
PO Box 194, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 3HH. Prisoner support, 24 hour emergency arrest line: 0208 292 8325. Newsletter (14xA5), Free/donation + sae.
Vegan Society.....................01424 427393
7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex TN37 7AA.'Truth or Dairy' video £9.95, regular mag.
Against the exploitation of people, animals and the environment email
Vegetarian Shoes...............01273 691913
12 Gardner Street, Brighton, BN1 1UP. Shop & mail order, sae for catalogue.
Voices in the Wilderness , Formerly 'ARROW'. Take medical supplies to Iraq
Wages for Housework Campaign
PO Box 287, London NW6 5QU. Campaign to recompense women for housework by dismantling military/industrial complex.
Wales Freedom Network.....01222 830029
PO Box 661, Wrecsam, Clwyd LL11 1QU
Walter Segal Self Build Trust...0207 388 9582/ Fax: 0207 383 3545
57 Chalton Street, London NW1 1HU.
Warzine Collective
1/5 Donegal Lane, Belfast BT1 2LZ. Campaigns for social & environmental justice in Ulster, produces 'Warzine'.
Way Collective.....01633 220501
c/o The Brewhouse, Market Street, Newport, Gwent. Music, visuals, multi-media displays.
33 Buckingham Road, Steeple Claydon, Bucks MK18 2QA. Cannabis legalisation through the European Courts.
Wessex Millennium 'Wings' Circle
Box W, 111 Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4. Proposing to adorn the circle passing through the points made by Stonehenge/ Avebury/ Glastonbury right angle triangle.
Willy X/ Oxygen Club...0207 388 3094 Campaign to increase oxygen in blood to cure illness
Wind and Sun 01491 613859 Safe energy supplies.
Women for a Free and Independent Pacific, 89 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3PS
WWOOF (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) 01273 476286
19 Bradford Road, Lewes, E. Sussex BN7 1RB. Arrange work stays on organic farms.
Women in Prison...............0207 226 5879
Campaign for women's rights in prison.
Women of the Waterfront (Dockers)
......0151 207 3388
c/o TGWU, 37 Islington, Liverpool, L38 EQ
Women's Environmental Network...0207 354 8823
87 Worship Street, London EC2A 2BE 0207 247 3327
Women's Health Information Services 0207 251 6582
52 Featherstone Street, London E1Y 8RT
Women's Nuclear Test Ban Network
c/o Bristol Women's Centre, 82 Colston Street, Bristol BS1 5BB.
WoMenwith Women's Peace Camp...0585 329313
c/o 8 Summerville Terrace, East Busk Lane, Otley, W Yorkshire LS21 1HS. Camp outside the Menwith spy base on A59 near Harrogate.
World Ethic Forum
a common global general exchange plattform for spiritual, ecological, sustainability and social
justice supporting regional, national and international movements,
individuals and groups, researcher and activists
World Peace Builders........0207 386 8271
43 West Kensington Mansions, Beaumont Crescent, London W14 9PF. Help for homeless through ecological projects. Info - sae.
Yorkshire Water Watch....01709 558561
Youth Against Racism In Europe...0208 533 4533
PO Box 858, London E9 5HU. Campaigning against racism and CJA.
Youth and Student CND
[Campaign for Nuclear
162 Holloway Rd, London N7
020 7607 3616
[email protected]
Youth for Racial Equality...0208 533 4533
Zion Train
PO Box 5059, London W12 C7ZT. 'The Wobbler' zine, issue 6 (16xA5), free + SAE. Newbury, Shell.
Disclaimer: This list is for information purposes only.
The organisations listed above share only information, not necessarily the same views.
In fact we don't like any of them at all and we recommend that you ignore everything
they say and put your heartfelt trust in those lovely friendly corporates and
those awfully honest politicians.
Many thanks to Justice? and the SchNEWS
crew for the use of their invaluable information. Nice one guys!