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worldwide contacts: archive contacts
(Details kept for reference. Some contacts will now be outdated)

Reclaim The Streets events are happening all over the globe! Get in touch with your local RTS, or - even better - organise your own!. Most groups are temporary, and very few have web-sites. However, some of them include news about parties and direct action in other towns.

Clicking on the links below will open up a new browser window to view the websites.

Reclaim the Streets, London
PO BOX 9656, London N4 4JY. 0171 281 4621 [email protected] (Meeting every Tuesday 7pm - Arsenal Tavern pub, Blackstock Road, Finsbury Park)

Berkeley RTS

Berlin RTS
email: [email protected]

Lyon RTS
Collectif Pour Les Rues
Liberees, 4 rue Bodin, 69001
Lyon, France,
tel: +(33) 4 7200 2357;
email: [email protected]


Melbourne RTS

Adelaide Reclaim the Streets

Prague RTS
P0 BOX 237
16041 Praha 6
email: [email protected]

Tel Aviv RTS
OIY Alternative Press,
P0 Box 3607
Tel Aviv
61036 Israel
email: [email protected]

Peoples Global Action
Network of direct action groups fighting free trade.
tel: +41 22 344 4731
email: [email protected]

urban75: Reclaim the Streets
Photos, reports, legal stuff and more!

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