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(about these pages)

These pages aren't intended to be the definitive drugs information service, but as a straight talking, bullshit free resource for those interested in finding out more about drugs.

We aim to provide responsible information about the drugs commonly available, tell you what effects they might have on you and offer constructive help and advice if things go wrong.

We won't be telling you that all drugs are cool nor are we going to deliver any moral lectures or tell you that drugs are the work of Satan - we're just interested in giving people the facts and letting them make up their own minds.

Tens of thousands of people all over the UK regularly take drugs and it is clear that the the hysterical, moralising outpourings of vote-hungry politicians is having little effect on their lifestyles. We here at urban75 strongly believe that a policy of education and information will have far more effect in preventing injuries and deaths.

We've included a comprehensive contacts list for finding out more and getting help, and there's an on-line forum where you can post up your thoughts, opinions and questions and a live drug bulletin board.

We've also included a first aid section, important information on safer drug use, and a guide to the law and drugs.

In response to many, many requests, we've also included the Drug testing FAQ for information about how to avoid being postively tested for drug use.

We value your feedback, so tell us what you think about the issues raised in this website. Please don't send in any nonsense like 'Spliffz Rooolz!' or 'God says don't do it!' because we'll simply ignore it. We're interested in sensible debate and discussion not petty moralising or drivel about what's 'kewl'.


This site will be updated and expanded regularly and we welcome any input.

Extra info: London Dance Safety produce an excellent free booklet for ravers and are organising awareness events. Call 0207 394 5678 for details.

Release have produced a free 'Bust card' which outlines your rights on arrest. Call them on 0207 729 9904.

Confused by the latest drug names? Check out the extremely comprehensive (and at times inadvertently very amusing!) White House guide to Street Drug Terms

Acknowledgements: London Dance Safety campaign, ' Drug Warning' by David Stockley, Release, newsgroup, and a whole host of

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTE: These pages are for information purposes only and urban75 assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the material. All legal information, unless otherwise stated, refers to the UK only. We do not encourage illegal drug-taking or breaking the law and advise anyone in doubt about their health to seek proper medical advice.

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Special note:
This site is all about harm reduction. We realise that some people will take drugs no matter what advice they are given, so we have reproduced this guide for information purposes only. It is not medical advice. If you are being coerced into taking drugs, or are in any doubt about taking a substance, our advice is to always refuse.

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