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Media contacts
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BBC Television
Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ Tel: 0181 743 8000
BBC Radio
Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA Tel: 0171 765 2265
Independent Television Commission
Tel: 0171 255 3000
Press Complaints Commission
1 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AE Tel: 0171 353 1248
Advertising Standards Authority
Tel: 0171 580 5555


Civil Liberties

National Council for Civil Liberties 21 Tabard St, London SE1 4LA Tel: 0171 403 3888
Scottish Council for Civil Liberties
146 Holland Street, Glasgow, G2 Tel: 0141 332 5960
Northern Ireland CAJ
45/47 Donegal Street, Belfast, BT1 2FG
c/o On the Fiddle, PO Box 2600, Brighton, E Sussex BN2 2DX Tel: 01273 685 913
PO Box 8959, London N19 5HW Tel: 0171 561 1204 Magazine for sorted itinerants
Amnesty International
99-119 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4RE Tel: 0171 814 6200 Charter 88
Exmouth House, 3-11 Pine Street, London EC1R 0JH Tel: 0171 833 1988 E-mail: [email protected]


Health Organisations

British Medical Association (BMA)
Tel: 0171 387 4499
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Geneva Tel: 0041 22 791 2111
Health Education Authority
Tel: 0171 383 3833


Police/Local Govt.

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
Drugs Sub-Committee Contact through ACPO - 0171 227 3434 (The present Chair is the Chief Constable of Cumbria_)
Police Foundation
Secretary - Bill Saulsbury 1 Glyn Street, Vauxhall, London SE11 5RA Tel: 0171 582 3744

Local Government

Local councillors
Contact through your local library
Local Government Drugs Forum
26 Chapter Street London SW1P 4ND Tel: 0171 664 3000 Direct Line: 0171 664 3256/3258
London Drug Policy Forum
Tel: 0171 332 3084
Anti-Drugs Co-ordination Unit (ADCU)
UK Drug Czar - Keith Hellawell Room 60A/2 Government Buildings, Great George Street, London SW1P 3AL Tel: 0171 270 5776 UK Drug Czar's second in command - Mike Trace Address and number as above Lorraine Rogerson - Director 67/4 Government Buildings, Great George Street, London SW1P 3AL Tel: 0171 270 5850 Central co-ordinating body for formation of drug policy in UK. Acts as a clearing house for all the government departments and non-governmental organisations. Produces statistical indicators for government drug policy, oversees work of Drug Action Teams/Drug Reference Groups. Government Departments


Home Office
Action Against Drugs
Karen Rouse Action Against Drugs - Domestic Policy Section Home Office, 50 Queen Anne�s Gate, London SW1H 9AT Tel: 0171 273 3302 Action Against Drugs - International Policy Section Tony Cooper Action Against Drugs - International Policy Section (Address as above) Tel: 0171 273 2492
Home Office Drug Statistics
Tel: 0171 273 3528
Central Drugs Prevention Unit
Contact through Home Office Oversees the work of local drug prevention teams

UK Parliament

Individuals and committees involved in drug policy
House of Commons/Lords
0171 219 3000
House of Commons - Public Information
0171 219 4272
Ministerial Drugs Sub-committee
Chair � Jack Cunningham MP Contact through your MP
International Anti-Drug Co-ordinator
Michael Ryder Contact through Foreign Office 4 Matthew Park Street London SW1H 9NL Tel: 0171 210 4167
UK Drug Czar - Keith Hellawell
Contact through ADCU (above) Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) Chair - Professor David Grahame-Smith Contact through Action Against Drugs Unit (See above)
All Party Parliamentary Group
Chair - Vacant (contact through House of Commons) Secretary - Lord Strafford (contact through House of Lords) Local MP, MEP, Councillors Contact through local library


Labelling Enquiries

ingredients on packaging Gillian Baxendine Health Policy Unit, (Department of Health) Tel: 0171 972 4470
health warning on packaging Rob Jex Department of Health, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG Tel: 0171 972 2000 ext. 24161
ingredients on packaging Keith Gregory Food Labelling Standards Division (MAFF), Room 325D, Ergon House, c/o Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR Tel: 0171 238 6254
health warnings and ingredients on packaging Steve Brooks Medicines Controls Agency (Home Office), Room 1118B, Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London SW8 5NQ Tel: 0171 273 0288
ingredients on packaging Andrew Lummon Community Safety Unit, (Department of Trade and Industry) Tel: 0171 215 0366 Scottish Office Tel: 0171-270 3000 Welsh Office Tel: 0171-270 3000


UK Parliamentary Parties

Liberal Party (Not the Lib-Dems)
1A Pine Grove, Southport, Lancs PR9 9AQ Tel: 01704 500115 The Liberals have a drug policy that calls for the end of prohibition and a return to the 'British System'.
Labour Party
Tel: 0171-701 1234 Press: 0171-234 3394 Paul Flynn MP (Outspoken anti-prohibitionist) Tony Banks MP (Minister for Sport - supporter of legalisation of all drugs) Jack Straw MP (Home Secretary) George Howarth MP (Home Affairs - Drugs spokesperson) Tony Blair MP Policy Officers Labour Party John Smith House 150 Walworth Road London SE17 1JT Tel: 0171 277 3403
Lib Dems
4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB, Great Britain Tel: 020 7222 7999 Fax: 020 7799 2170 [email protected]
Tel: 0171-222 7999
Conservative Party
Tel: 0171-222 9000
Press: 0171-222 0151
107 McDonald Road Edinburgh EH7 4NW 0131 525 8900 Tel: 0131-2263661
Plaid Cymru Tel: 01222-231944
Ulster Unionist Party
Tel: 01232-324601
UK Unionists
Tel: 01247-272994
Sinn Fein
Tel: 01232-323214
Social and Democratic Labour Party (SDLP - NI)
Tel: 01232-668100
Green Party
Tel: 0171-272 4474

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