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May 1st 2000 : MAYDAY 2K, London back next page

prisoner support
Mayday 2k 2000 links
World Bank/IMF protest

Reclaim the streets
IMF and 'structural adjustments'
Think global, act local
Prague: personal account

Brick a Brand
Write your own tabloid report!
Eco Warrior checkers!

Legal disclaimer: all reports, comments and press releases are reproduced here for information purposes only. All opinions stated are those of the individual authors and are not the responsibility of urban75.

Prague Sept 26
reports and reaction:
Five days that shook the IMF (14.11.00)
The case for confrontation (25.10.00)
SchNEWS report (06.10.00)
aftermath (03.10.00)
report from prisoner (03.10.00)
more reports of brutality (02.10.00)
Human Rights Abuses (28.09.00)
personal account (27.09.00)
arrests & brutality (28.09.00)
front line report (27.09.00)

planned action (31.05.00)
IMF/World bank analysis
PRAGUE 2000 survival guide
UK/world links

>> discuss the issues

Reports and footage:

Related actions:
Mayday 2001, London
Mayday 2K, London
A16 2000 Washington DC
N30 1999 Seattle
J18 1999: stop the city! Day of Action
upcoming actions

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